

Phase One Agreement Aim


The Phase One Agreement: What is the Aim?

The global economy has been experiencing a major shift in the last few years, and the United States and China have been at the forefront of the change. The two largest economies in the world have been locked in a trade war which has caused significant economic turbulence and uncertainty.

In January 2020, the U.S. and China signed the Phase One Agreement, which is aimed at reducing trade tensions between the two countries. The agreement primarily focuses on intellectual property, technology transfer, agriculture, financial services, and currency. It is a significant step towards resolving the trade tensions between the two countries.

The aim of the Phase One Agreement is to provide a framework for future trade negotiations between the United States and China. The agreement sets the stage for further negotiations to address the remaining issues, such as the reduction of tariffs and the opening of markets.

Intellectual Property

One of the main areas of concern for the United States has been intellectual property theft by China. The Phase One Agreement seeks to address this by requiring China to strengthen its intellectual property protection laws, and to enforce them more rigorously. This is a significant win for the United States, as it will help protect American businesses operating in China from theft of intellectual property.

Technology Transfer

Another area of concern for the United States has been the transfer of technology from the U.S. to China. The Phase One Agreement requires China to stop forcing U.S. companies to share their technology as a condition for doing business in China. This is another significant win for the United States, as it will help protect American businesses from having their technology stolen by Chinese companies.


The Phase One Agreement also addresses the issue of agricultural trade between the United States and China. Under the agreement, China has agreed to purchase an additional $32 billion worth of U.S. agricultural products over the next two years. This will provide a significant boost to American farmers, who have been hurt by the trade war.

Financial Services

The Phase One Agreement also includes provisions to open up the Chinese financial services market to American companies. This is a significant development, as China has traditionally restricted foreign companies from operating in its financial services market.


Finally, the Phase One Agreement aims to promote transparency in China`s currency practices. This is an important issue for the United States, as it seeks to ensure that China does not manipulate its currency to gain an unfair advantage in the global economy.

In conclusion, the Phase One Agreement is a significant step towards resolving the trade tensions between the United States and China. While it does not address all of the remaining issues, it sets the stage for future negotiations to build upon this agreement. By addressing areas such as intellectual property, technology transfer, agriculture, financial services, and currency, the Phase One Agreement aims to provide a more stable and predictable trading environment between the two largest economies in the world.