

Daycare Parent Agreement


Daycare Parent Agreement: Why It`s Important for Your Child`s Safety and Your Peace of Mind

As a parent, finding the right daycare for your child can be a daunting task. There are so many things to consider, such as location, cost, staff qualifications, and safety protocols. Once you`ve found a daycare that meets all of your requirements, it`s important to ensure that you and the daycare center are on the same page regarding your child`s care. That`s where a daycare parent agreement comes in.

What Is a Daycare Parent Agreement?

A daycare parent agreement is a contract between you and the daycare center that outlines the terms of your child`s care. It typically includes information such as the hours of operation, fees and payment schedules, policies on sick children, and procedures for emergencies. It may also cover issues such as discipline, transportation, and communication.

Why Is a Daycare Parent Agreement Important?

A daycare parent agreement is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps to ensure that your child is safe and well-cared for while at the daycare center. By having a clear understanding of the policies and procedures in place, you can be confident that your child is in good hands.

In addition, a daycare parent agreement can help to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts between you and the daycare center. By spelling out all of the important details, you and the center can avoid disagreements over issues such as fees, schedules, or expectations.

Finally, a daycare parent agreement can provide you with peace of mind. Knowing that you and the daycare center are on the same page regarding your child`s care can help to ease your worries and allow you to focus on your other responsibilities.

What Should a Daycare Parent Agreement Include?

While the exact contents of a daycare parent agreement may vary depending on the center, there are certain items that should be included in every agreement. These include:

1. Hours of operation: Be sure to specify the days and hours that the daycare center is open, as well as any holidays or closures.

2. Fees and payment schedule: Outline the fees that you will be responsible for paying, as well as the schedule for payment.

3. Policies on sick children: Include information about when children should stay home due to illness, and what will happen if your child becomes sick while at the center.

4. Procedures for emergencies: Spell out the steps that will be taken in the event of an emergency, such as a natural disaster or medical emergency.

5. Discipline policies: Specify how discipline will be handled, and what types of behavior will not be tolerated.

6. Transportation policies: If the daycare center provides transportation, include information about the vehicles used, driver qualifications, and safety protocols.

7. Communication: Outline how communication between you and the daycare center will be handled, and how you will be kept informed about your child`s progress.

In addition to these items, your daycare parent agreement may include other details such as meal plans, nap schedules, or special accommodations for children with disabilities.


A daycare parent agreement is an important document that can help to ensure your child`s safety while at daycare, prevent conflicts and misunderstandings, and provide you with peace of mind. Be sure to review the agreement carefully before signing it, and ask any questions you may have. By working together with the daycare center, you can provide your child with the best possible care and support.