

Restaurant Bargaining Council Main Agreement 2021


The Restaurant Bargaining Council Main Agreement 2021: What You Need to Know

If you`re a restaurant owner or employee in South Africa, you may have heard about the Restaurant, Catering and Allied Trades Bargaining Council (RCATBC) Main Agreement 2021. This agreement is the result of negotiations between employers and trade unions, and sets out the minimum terms and conditions of employment for workers in the industry.

Here are some key points to know about the Restaurant Bargaining Council Main Agreement 2021:

1. Minimum wage: The minimum wage for restaurant workers has been increased to R21.69 per hour for the first year of the agreement (effective from 1 February 2021), and will increase to R23.05 per hour in the second year.

2. Working hours: The maximum normal working hours for full-time employees are 45 hours per week, with a maximum of 9 hours per day. Overtime is payable for any hours worked beyond these limits.

3. Paid leave: Full-time employees are entitled to 21 consecutive days of annual leave per year, as well as paid sick leave, family responsibility leave, and maternity leave.

4. Pension and other benefits: The agreement sets out minimum contributions to be made by employers towards employees` pension, medical aid, and funeral benefits.

5. Grievance and dispute resolution: The agreement includes procedures for resolving disputes between employers and employees, including the use of a dispute resolution officer.

It`s important to note that the Restaurant Bargaining Council Main Agreement 2021 is a legally binding document, and both employers and employees are obligated to adhere to its provisions. Failure to do so can result in legal action.

As a restaurant owner or employee, it`s important to familiarize yourself with the details of the agreement and ensure that you are in compliance with its terms. This can help to promote fair and equitable working conditions for all within the industry.

In conclusion, the RCATBC Main Agreement 2021 is a significant development for the restaurant industry in South Africa, offering minimum wage increases and benefits for employees, while setting clear guidelines for employer obligations. By abiding by the agreement, both employees and employers can work together towards a thriving and sustainable industry.